Weekly Assignments


Weekly Homework Assignments

HOMEWORK- Week of September 17, 2012

***Don’t forget to read with/to your child EVERY night! ***

Monday: Family Tree Projects due TODAY!

Tuesday: Write the following sight words three times each: yellow, green,

the, can.  Go on a word hunt by looking for the words in a book.

Wednesday: Draw and label four pictures that begin with the letter k and four

pictures that begin with the letter g.

Thursday: Practice counting by 1s.  Write the highest number you count to. 

Write the numbers 0-10 correctly in your best handwriting.  WEAR PURPLE


Friday:  Write a story about what would happen if you were an animal.  You

can be any animal that you would like to be! 

HOMEWORK- Week of September 24, 2012

***Don’t forget to read with/to your child EVERY night! ***

Monday: Write and say your phone number 3 times including the area code. 

Practice dialing the number on a phone at your house.  Practice saying your

phone number without looking at it. 

Tuesday: Write 4 words that end in the sound /at/.  (Example: hat, cat, mat,

sat)  Draw a picture for each word.  Pick 2 of the words and use them in


Wednesday: Look in a magazine, around the house, or wherever you may go

tonight.  Find 10 shapes in the environment or in your magazine.  Draw a

picture of each and try to label them.

Thursday: Use a piece of paper and try to illustrate the number 9 at least

three different ways.  For example, 9 suns, 9 trees, 9 noodles glued on the

paper, the number word 9, etc.

Friday:  Write a story about your favorite summer memory.  Be sure to draw a
